Following the recommendations made in the report by Tony Griffiths (Traffic Management Officer from Thames Valley Police) following the road safety audit of Derby Road that took place in 2023 (seehere)and agreement at the 2023 AGM, several updates have now been made to the road signage in Derby Road to better inform motorists entering the road of the speed limit and what to expect on the road.
It is hoped that the changes will provide more information for drivers and so will improve their awareness of the situation on Derby Road and of its residents.
The signage on the left gate post at the Peppard Road entrance has been changed to match the signage on the gate entry at Henley Road/Grosvenor Road, with "speed limit" and "priority over vehicles".
New "pedestrians in the road" and "road humps" signs have been added to the first post after entering from the Peppard Rd end to better inform drivers of what to expect on the road ahead.
Outside the entrance to Mander Court, a new "elderly people" sign has been installed to flag up to drivers to take extra care around this area.