Derby Road is a private road and therefore a number of key activities need to be managed by the residents of Derby Road and the roads linked to it, including Ellesmere Close, Moss Close, Field View, Greycoat Court and Michaels Chase. It is very clear that Reading Council does not, and will not undertake these works.
Those activities are;- Ongoing Maintenance of the roadway and creation of a fund sufficient to enable the road to be resurfaced about every 7/8 years. Maintenance of the street lights; we pay for new lights and lampposts when they need replacing. Annual clearance of the drains on the road, normally after the leaf fall is finished. Maintenance of the gates at the Peppard Road end and Road Signage.
The road has been maintained successfully in this way for over one hundred years, by residents working communally together and contributing. Inevitably current residents benefit from contributions made historically, and their current contributions will help people in the future. The Committee is made up of residents, who are elected at an annual AGM. All residents are welcome to be involved. We all enjoy the way most people successfully co-operate on a roadway used by pedestrians and motorists alike.